Monday, May 19, 2008

Free Will

I was listening to Bob Dylan's immortal Highway 61 Revisited the other day, and I noticed something rather interesting. In the title track, Dylan opens with the story of Abraham from Genesis, and makes the following statement:

Oh God said to Abraham "kill me a son"
Abe said "Man You must be puttin me on"
God said "no," Abe said "what?"
God say "you can do what you want but
The next time you see me comin' you better run"

I think this is kind of an interesting observation on the doctrine of free will, whether or n0t it was intended to be. The story behind free will is roughly thus: God created each of us with complete control over our own actions (as opposed to God having control over us.) This is supposedly the reason why God is not responsible when his creations wring evil upon the world. This must be an attractive model for Oppenheimer, Teller, Fermi, and the rest who have exposed us to the danger of nuclear annihilation. But the problem that Dylan has highlighted in the Christian mythology is this - God has given us the choice to either follow his rules, or burn for all eternity in the furnace/lake of hell. It's really not that much of a choice. While God has given us the ability to physically make the choice, he has set out one of the two options as something that no sane human being would ever freely choose. So it isn't really a choice at all.

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